Supporting our Clubs during COVID -19
Gymnastics NSW's Return to Sport Plan
The purpose of the Return to Gymnastics Plan is to:
Provide guidance to gymnastics clubs in New South Wales on requirements for clubs to support a COVID safe workplace for training and participation.
Establish regulations for the recommencement of competitions, courses, programs and high performance training.
Provide government with an assurance that gymnastics is a reliable partner who is working to achieve the shared objective of a COVID safe community.

Keeping Gymnastics COVIDSafe
​Sport is an integral part of Australian society, with over 70,000 people participating in Gymnastics NSW programs in 2019.
With over 200 small businesses affected by the closure of gymnastics programs, Gymnastics NSW is committed to work with the NSW Government as we support our clubs to a new COVIDSafe
gymnastics community.
Key websites referenced