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Club Preparation

Before resuming operations, clubs must complete a thorough clean of their facility, as per manufacturers guidelines. 

Below are some gymnastics 
specific considerations for cleaning of your facility.


  1. Hygiene Education - created by Gymnastics Australia

  2. Cleaning surfaces - created by Gymnastics Australia

  3. Q&A with Gymnastics Australia Chief Medical Officer , Dr Kathy Yu​

  4. Preparation of training/competition environments  - created by Gymnastics Australia

More information on cleaning of surfaced can be found under Hygiene

Note: due to the rapid change of information for cleaning surfaces, Gymnastics NSW recommend accessing up to date Gymnastics Australia fact sheets on their website.

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Our Plan

All Gymnastics NSW programs must follow social distancing, tracking, WHS and cleaning requirements; and participants must stay home if unwell


Gymnastics NSW and its clubs are committed to ensuring the safety of members as the recommence their gymnastics training. We are working closely with Health experts, along  with the Australia Institute of Sport and Gymnastics Australia to plan a considered, safe return to sport.

To begin the resuming of programs, clubs must consider their:

  1. Club (hygiene, maximum members, cleaning)

  2. People (athletes, staff, families)

  3. Structure (timetable, class sizes, staggered starts etc.)

All clubs in NSW need to complete the risk management documents outlined in Workplace Health and Safety


Preparation of Coaches and Athletes

While planning a return, it is essential that clubs ensure their coaches are accredited with Gymnastics Australia, and maintain a current Working with Children Check. 

Gymnastics NSW strongly recommends that all coaches receive double vaccination prior to commencing coaching



  1. Updating and Training Coaches - created by Gymnastics NSW

  2. Coach Updating - created by Gymnastics NSW

It is imperative that clubs assess the physical needs of their athletes and prepare programs that will assist them to gradually return to a full load of training. 


  1. Gymnastics Coaches/Staff COVID 19 Induction - created by Gymnastics NSW


  1. Athlete health and safety - created by Gymnastics Australia

In addition to the GNSW Framework, more information can be found on the Gymnastics Australia website

Program Structure

While we work together to keep Gymnastics COVIDSafe, gymnastics facilities will follow the AIS advice of “Get in, train and get out”

Clubs must record all individuals that enter and exit their facilities. 

Download and Print

  1. Parent Guide to Gymnastics in COVID-19 - created by Gymnastics NSW

  2. Member Safety and Communication  - created by Gymnastics NSW

Additional Information

  1. Structuring your athlete return - presented by Christy Hemphill, Gymnastics Victoria Road to Recovery Series. ​

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