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Our Plan

All Gymnastics NSW programs must follow social distancing, tracking, WHS and cleaning requirements; and participants must stay home if unwell. 


Gymnastics NSW and its clubs are committed to ensuring the safety of people attending Gymnastics NSW and Gymnastics NSW sanctioned events. This includes athletes, coaches, judges, volunteers, event crew and spectators.


To this end we have developed the following guidelines to assist the gymnastics community throughout NSW to return to structured activities and to outline the standards for the return to gymnastics and competition in NSW in a cautious and methodical manner.


To protect those participating in our sport and the community broadly, Gymnastics NSW highly recommends that all eligible people get vaccinated.


While we wait for a lead from government on sport vaccination policy we note that there may come a time when to coach, officiate and play sport vaccination will be mandatory and we look to the gymnastics community to prepare accordingly.


Currently in NSW, vaccinations are available for those aged 12 and over. 



Athlete Preparedness and Safety for Return to Competition 

Gymnastics NSW seeks to provide coaches and athletes of all levels, across all Gymsports, a framework to ensure that gymnasts return to training and competition safely and productively following the extensive period of lost training time. Clubs and individuals should apply a graded return to mitigate injury risk, understanding that sudden increase in training load will predispose to injury.

In addition to the GNSW Framework, more information can be found on the Gymnastics Australia website


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Return to Competition and Events

Each competition and event is to have an implementation plan that flows from the Gymnastics NSW Return to Competition Road Map, adapted as necessary by event organisers and committees, ensuring compliance with all current regulations and requirements to ensure a safe return to sport and complete compliance with government restrictions. 


Detailed in this document you will first find some key considerations that apply throughout our return to full competition and include guidelines for the operation of gymnastics competition based upon government restrictions. A range of operational measures have been introduced, in accordance with the SportAus Detailed Checklist for Medium to Large Sporting Organisations, to limit the threat of further transmission of COVID-19 as part of the return to sport arrangements. These measures can be characterised using the following SportAus Framework: 


  • Prevent – actions taken to eliminate or reduce the risk of further transmission; 

  • Prepare – actions that build capacity of an organisation to manage transmission risk; 

  • Respond – actions to minimise the impact if a further transmission occurs; and 

  • Recover – actions to return an affected community to normal. 


These guidelines are designed to ensure the safety and health of both the gymnastic and wider community. Working together we all can participate safely. 


Return to Sanctioned and Community Competitions and Events 

Organisers, clubs, hosts and committees need to have an implementation plan that flows from the Gymnastics NSW Return to Sport: Competitions and Events, adapted as necessary by event organisers and committees, ensuring compliance with all current regulations and requirements to ensure a safe return to sport and complete compliance with government restrictions. These guidelines are designed to ensure the safety and health of both the gymnastic and wider community. Working together we all can participate safely.


All events sanctioned pre-COVID-19 have been cancelled. Any club/region/committee looking to host an event or competition taking place 2021 must complete an event sanctioning application and must comply with all current Government restrictions. 


Risk Assessment


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