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Unwell Members

In the case that a positive COVID-19 individual attended a gymnastics facility, the follow templates can be utilised, as well as the Gymnastics Australia Crisis Management Plan. 


Read more on suspected and confirmed cases in WHS. 



  1. Suspected or confirmed case - created by Safe Work Australia

  2. Emergency Plan template


All members should be advised that they must not attend training:


  1. if they are unwell.

  2. if they have symptoms of COVID-19

  3. if they suspect they may have been infected with COVID-19 (including close contact with a person diagnosed with COVID-19), or 

  4. if they been advised by health authorities to self isolate.

  5. if they have returned from International travel within 14 days. 


Gymnastics members who are vulnerable to a serious COVID-19 infection should discuss with their doctor what activities it is safe for them to resume once restrictions are eased. The onus is on the member to determine their capacity to safely resume participation


Our Plan

Public health authorities advise all people to stay at home if they are unwell or display any symptoms of COVID-19 infection. People are advised to seek medical advice and testing for COVID-19 if they suspect they have the infection.


Stay at home if unwell’ posters will be displayed within all gymnastics clubs in a prominent location and the message will be reiterated through Gymnastics NSW social media, website and club and coach EDM’s.


Training will be provided for all clubs and coaches through the Clubs COVID 19 Induction and Coaches COVID 19 Induction


Stay Home Posters
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